Yet Another Tabular Data Question
carllemp at
carllemp at
Thu Nov 29 22:22:35 EST 2007
On Nov 29, 5:46 pm, patrick.wa... at wrote:
> Hi all,
> Fairly new Python guy here. I am having a lot of trouble trying to
> figure this out. I have some data on some regulations in Excel and I
> need to basically add up the total regulations for each country--a
> statistical analysis thing that I'll copy to another Excel file.
> Writing with pyExcelerator has been easier than reading with xlrd for
> me...So that's what I did first, but now I'd like to learn how to
> crunch some data.
> The input looks like this:
> Country Module
> Topic # of Docs
> Argentina Food and Consumer Products Cosmetics 1
> Argentina Food and Consumer Products Cosmetics 8
> Argentina Food and Consumer Products Food Additives 1
> Argentina Food and Consumer Products Food Additives 1
> Australia Food and Consumer Products Drinking Water 7
> Australia Food and Consumer Products Food Additives 3
> Australia Food and Consumer Products Food Additives 1
> etc...
> So I need to add up all the docs for Argentina, Australia, etc...and
> add up the total amount for each Topic for each country so, Argentina
> has 9 Cosmetics laws and 2 Food Additives Laws, etc...
> So, here is the reduced code that can't add anything...Any thoughts
> would be really helpful.
> import xlrd
> import pyExcelerator
> from pyExcelerator import *
> #Open Excel files for reading and writing
> path_file = "c:\\1\\data.xls"
> book = xlrd.open_workbook(path_file)
> Counts = book.sheet_by_index(1)
> wb=pyExcelerator.Workbook()
> matrix = wb.add_sheet("matrix")
> #Get all Excel data
> n=1
> data = []
> while n<Counts.nrows:
> data.append(Counts.row_values(n, start_colx=0, end_colx=None))
> n=n+1
> n=0
> while n<len(data):
> x=n
> while data[n][COUNTRY]==data[n+1][COUNTRY]:
> n=n+1
> print sum(data[x:n][FT_DOCS])
Considering the topic of the usenet group, I know this is heresy but
I'd suggest using the Pivot Table feature in Excel. The whole thing
will be done if 5 clicks and no code. Simple is better than complex.
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