python newbie
Bruno Desthuilliers
bruno.42.desthuilliers at
Fri Nov 2 12:27:26 EDT 2007
Jim Hendricks a écrit :
> New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.
> Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:
> 1) global vars - python sets scope to the block a var is declared (1st
> set), I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a
> function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be declared
> in the global scope, or, when 1st set in a function where it is listed
> as a global, does that then declare the necessary global.
Didn't you try by yourself ? Would have been faster than writing down
your question...
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 2 2007, 16:56:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
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>>> def toto():
... global p
... p = 42
>>> p
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'p' is not defined
>>> toto()
>>> p
Anyway, remember that in Python, 'global' really means 'module level'.
> 2) Everything is an object. So then, why the distinction between
> functions/variables and fields/methods. If a module is an object, would
> not every function be a method of that module
functions are *instance* attributes of the modules (obviously, since
each module is a distinct instance of class 'module'...), and when
functions are instance attributes of an object, the lookup mechanism
doesn't turn them into methods.
> and every variable be a
> field of that module?
There's nothing like a 'field' in Python - only attributes. And
module-level (so-called 'global') vars *are* attributes of the module.
So from 'the outside' (ie: from the importing code), a module is just an
instance of class module, with it's own set of attributes - some of them
callables (functions and classes), some other not.
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