regular expression
gardsted at
Mon Nov 19 18:42:28 EST 2007
Paul McGuire wrote:
> Sorry about your coffee cup! Would you be interested in a pyparsing
> rendition?
> -- Paul
> from pyparsing import *
> def defineGrammar():
> ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t")
> ident = Word(alphanums+"_")
> LT,GT = map(Suppress,"<>")
> NL = LineEnd().suppress()
> real = Word(nums,nums+".")
> integer = Word(nums)
> quotedString = QuotedString('"')
> dataValue = real | integer | Word(alphas,alphanums) | quotedString
> dataDef = ident + ZeroOrMore(dataValue) + NL
> tagDef = Forward()
> tagDef << LT + ident + ZeroOrMore(dataValue) + NL + \
> Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group(dataDef) | Group(tagDef))) + GT + NL
> tagData = Dict(OneOrMore(Group(tagDef)))
> return tagData
> results = defineGrammar().parseString(TESTTXT)
> print( results.dump() )
> print results.REAPER_PROJECT.TRACK.keys()
> prints out:
> [['REAPER_PROJECT', '0.1', ['METRONOME', '6', '2.000000', ['SAMPLES',
> '', '']], ['TRACK', ['MAINSEND', '1'], ['VOLENV2', ['ACT', '1']],
> ['PANENV2', ['ACT', '1']]]]]
> - REAPER_PROJECT: ['0.1', ['METRONOME', '6', '2.000000', ['SAMPLES',
> '', '']], ['TRACK', ['MAINSEND', '1'], ['VOLENV2', ['ACT', '1']],
> ['PANENV2', ['ACT', '1']]]]
> - METRONOME: ['6', '2.000000', ['SAMPLES', '', '']]
> - SAMPLES: ['', '']
> - TRACK: [['MAINSEND', '1'], ['VOLENV2', ['ACT', '1']], ['PANENV2',
> ['ACT', '1']]]
> - PANENV2: [['ACT', '1']]
> - ACT: 1
> - VOLENV2: [['ACT', '1']]
> - ACT: 1
> [['ACT', '1']]
> 1
Thank You Paul - I am very interested.
In between drinking coffee and smashing coffee cups, I actually visited your site and my
impression was: wow, If I could only take the time instead of struggling with this
'almost there' re thing!
I am not that good at it actually, but working hard, not worrying about the cups to much...
I will now revisit pyparsing and learn!
I cheated a bit on you and read this:
I live in a little danish town, Svendborg, nice by the sea and all.
I learned steel construction in the 80's at the local shipyard,
(now closed), much later (96-98) I received a very short education in
IT-skills on a business school in Odense, the nearest city.
I spent the years 98-05 working for Maersk Data, later IBM.
From 05 and onwards independent.
Struggling hard to keep orders at a bare minimum,
I spend some of my spare time working with the elderly, and some of it
programming python for different purposes at home, and some of it playing
in the band:, and some of it combining the two.
So now You know more or less the same about me as I know about You.
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