VB6 frontend GUI with Python

Claire Blair no.reply at here.com
Tue Nov 20 03:00:51 EST 2007

I am trying to write a VB6 (not VB.Net) application that has a console 
window that allows Python command to be typed at the prompt.

The idea is so that, I can have full Python scripting from within my 
application. I should be able to type commands from a Python script 
(include import etc, so I can use other Python libraries). In other 
words, I want to provide a complete (or almost complete) interactive 
Python Scripting environment from within my application - so that I 
enter commands in the VB6 console, and I get the (text) results 
displayed in my VB6 console, and in the case of a graphic output (let 
say I am importing wxPython for graphing functionality), I would have 
the graph display after I have typed my command in my VB6 console.

My initial route was to try to embed the Python interpreter, using BOOST 
Python, writing a Win32 DLL around that and then calling the functions 
from VB6. But I had various problems with that approach - so I am now 
looking to use a Python COM server approach (although I would have 
preferred not to touch COM).

I have done a lot of Googling and research online - but I can't find 
anything remotely useful, taht shows me how to do what I want to do. If 
anyone has done something similar to what I am trying to do, or knows of 
any links that may show me how to do provide a VB6 frontend GUI (i.e. 
console) fo ruse with Python, I will be very grateful.

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