What about a Python Tree container?
Roc Zhou
chowroc.z+l at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 05:50:44 EST 2007
Recently I'm working on a new data structure written in python: Tree,
by operator overloading. I want it can act as a builtin type, such as
list and dict, but do something like a tree, to make those things need
trees can be more convenient.
For example,
1. to create a Tree, there are several ways:
(1) A empty Tree:
>>> root = Tree(None)
>>> print root
** Tree **
() : None,
(2) A tree like this:
>>> root = Tree('zero', trunk='a', branch=1)
>>> print root
** Tree **
('trunk',) : 'a',
() : 'zero',
('branch',) : 1,
(3) With items:
>>> root = Tree('zero', trunk='a', branch=1, _node_items={'try' : 'x'})
>>> print root
** Tree **
('trunk',) : 'a',
() : 'zero',
(('try',),) : 'x',
('branch',) : 1,
or like this:
>>> root = Tree('value', {'x' : 'v1', 'y' : 2}, trunk='v3', branch=4)
>>> print root
** Tree **
('trunk',) : 'v3',
() : 'value',
(('y',),) : 2,
('branch',) : 4,
(('x',),) : 'v1',
The items can be considered as attributes of a Tree node, something like
XML attr? '')
(4) A more complicated one:
>>> root = Tree('value', {'x' : 'v1', 'y' : Tree(2, {'z' : 'v3'}, br=4)},
trunk='v5', branch=Tree(6, {'a' : 'v7'}, br=8))
>>> print root
** Tree **
('branch', ('a',)) : 'v7',
(('y',),) : 2,
('branch',) : 6,
('branch', 'br') : 8,
('trunk',) : 'v5',
(('x',),) : 'v1',
(('y', 'z'),) : 'v3',
() : 'value',
(('y',), 'br') : 4,
2. Or create a Tree with setattr syntax :
>>> root = Tree(None)
>>> root = Tree('value')
>>> root['x'] = 'v1'
>>> root['y'] = 2
>>> root.trunk = 'v5'
>>> root.branch = 6
>>> root['x']['z'] = 'v3'
>>> root['x'].br = 4
>>> root.branch['a'] = 'v7'
>>> root.branch.br = 8
>>> print root
** Tree **
('branch', ('a',)) : 'v7',
() : 'value',
(('y',),) : 2,
('branch',) : 6,
('branch', 'br') : 8,
('trunk',) : 'v5',
(('x', 'z'),) : 'v3',
(('x',),) : 'v1',
(('x',), 'br') : 4,
3. It's very simple to retrive the value of any given Tree node:
>>> print root
** Tree **
(('x', 'y'),) : 'xy',
(('y',),) : 3,
('branch',) : 7,
('trunk', ('a',)) : 5,
('trunk',) : 4,
(('x',),) : 1,
('trunk', ('a', 'b'), 'data') : ['trunk', 'ab', 6],
() : 0,
(('x',), 'data') : ['x', 2],
('trunk', ('a', 'b')) : 'trunk ab',
('trunk', ('a',), 'data') : 'a data',
('branch', 'data') : 8,
>>> root()
>>> root.trunk()
>>> root.branch()
>>> root['x']
<tree.Tree instance at 0xb7eab16c>
>>> root['x']()
>>> root['x'].data()
['x', 2]
4. As you have seen, the "print" operation of course have traversed the
Tree. Traverse return a path sequences to nodes map(dict) --
dict, every
item represents a single Tree<http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
node. It't better to be called by
__call__ <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree-__call__>
('traverse'), for example:
root('traverse') will return:
treedict = {
() : Tree <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>(0),
(('x',),) : Tree <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>(1),
(('x',), 'data') : Tree<http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
(['x', 2]),
(('x', 'y'),) : Tree <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
(('y',),) : Tree <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>(3),
('trunk',) : Tree <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
('trunk', ('a',)) : Tree<http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
('trunk', ('a',), 'data') :
("a data"),
('trunk', ('a', 'b')) :
("trunk ab"),
('trunk', ('a', 'b'), 'data') :
(['trunk', 'ab', 6]),
('branch',) : Tree <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
('branch', 'data') : Tree<http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html#Tree>
5. Update a Tree with another one:
>>> def build_tree1():
root['x'] = '1x'
... root = Tree(0)
root.trunk['a'] = 5
... root['x'] = '1x'
root.branch.data.extra = ['extra', 'info']
... root['x'].data = 1
... root['x']['y'] = '1xy'
... root['x']['y'].data = 2
... root['y'] = 3
... root.trunk = 4
... root.trunk['a'] = 5
... root.trunk['a'].data = '5'
... root.trunk['x'] = '2x'
... root.trunk ['x'].data = 6
... root.trunk['x']['y'] = '2xy'
... root.trunk['x']['y'].data = 7
... root.branch = 8
... root.branch.data = 9
... root.branch.data.extra = ['extra', 'info']
... return root
>>> def build_tree2():
root['x'] = '1.x'
... root = Tree('0')
root.trunk['x'] = ' two.x'
... root['x'] = '1.x'
root.branch.new = 'attr.new'
return root... root['x'].data = '1'
... root['new'] = '1.new'
... root.trunk = '4'
... root.trunk['a'] = "a test"
... root.trunk['x'] = None
... root.trunk['b'] = 'b'
... root.trunk['x'] = ' two.x'
... root.trunk['x']['y'] = '2.xy'
... root.trunk['x']['y'].data = '7'
... root.trunk['new'] = '2.new'
... root.trunk['new'].data = ' 2.new.data'
... root.branch = '8'
... root.branch.new = 'attr.new'
... return root
>>> tree1 = build_tree1()
>>> tree2 = build_tree2()
Then you can update tree1 like these to build a new Tree:
>>> tree1('update', tree2)
>>> print tree1
** Tree **
('branch', 'data', 'extra') : ['extra', 'info'],
('branch', 'new') : 'attr.new',
('trunk', ('x', 'y')) : '2.xy',
('trunk', ('x',), 'data') : 6,
('branch',) : '8',
('trunk', ('x', 'y'), 'data') : '7',
(('x',), 'data') : '1',
('trunk',) : '4',
('trunk', ('new',), 'data') : ' 2.new.data',
('trunk', ('new',)) : '2.new',
('trunk', ('x',)) : 'two.x',
(('x',),) : '1.x',
('trunk', ('a',)) : 'a test',
() : '0',
(('y',),) : 3,
(('x', 'y'),) : '1xy',
('trunk', ('a',), 'data') : '5',
('trunk', ('b',)) : 'b',
('branch', 'data') : 9,
(('new',),) : '1.new',
(('x', 'y'), 'data') : 2,
You can also use "+=" operator to do this:
>>> tree1 = build_tree1()
>>> tree1 += tree2
>>> print tree1
** Tree **
('branch', 'data', 'extra') : ['extra', 'info'],
('branch', 'new') : 'attr.new ',
('trunk', ('x', 'y')) : '2.xy',
('trunk', ('x',), 'data') : 6,
('branch',) : '8',
('trunk', ('x', 'y'), 'data') : '7',
(('x',), 'data') : '1',
('trunk',) : '4',
('trunk', ('new',), 'data') : '2.new.data',
('trunk', ('new',)) : ' 2.new',
('trunk', ('x',)) : 'two.x',
(('x',),) : '1.x',
('trunk', ('a',)) : 'a test',
() : '0',
(('y',),) : 3,
(('x', 'y'),) : '1xy',
('trunk', ('a',), 'data') : '5',
('trunk', ('b',)) : 'b',
('branch', 'data') : 9,
(('new',),) : '1.new',
(('x', 'y'), 'data') : 2,
Or use "+" to build a new Tree:
>>> tree3 = tree1 + tree2
6. Compare 2 Trees:
Compare the root node value first, and if equal, compare their sub nodes,
attributes or items ...
7. Some other functions that have not been implemented ...
So far I use this Tree as a direct configuration method. For instance,
in my another project cutils which has a tool to do realtime file system
mirroring, the configuration file is like this:
sh# cat /etc/python/fs_mirror
The configuration file for fs_mirror
import tree
options = tree.Tree('fs_mirror')
o = options
#o.mode = 'daemon'
# There can be other mode, such as "run_once"
#o.host = 'localhost'
#o.port = 2123
# The server runs mirrord
#o.timeout = 60
#o.daemon = None
#o.daemon.datadir = "/var/fs_mirror"
# The mirrored dirs/files will be put into this directory
#o.fssync = 'Report'
# The synchronization mechanism you choose, it can be one of:
# REPORT only reports the actions in wmLog,
# does not do actual dirs creating or files transport
###o.fssync.host = 'localhost'
# Must be the same as o.host?
#o.fssync.port = 0
#o.fssync.user = 'root'
#o.fssync.passwd = ''
# Since it contains passord, you'd better keep this configuration file
# You can put the id/password pair to a secret file, such as
# ~/.fs_mirror/secret
# $host:$password
# and use --password-from ~/.fs_mirror/secret:$host
# option of fs_mirror script to appoint the password
# By this way, another user can not view the passwords by run "ps"
# when you appointed the it from the command line option.
# The reason a command line options is used is for multi-mirroring
And the script read and analyze this configuration file can be written
like this:
CONFIG_MODULE_PATH = "/etc/python"
options = tree.Tree('fs_mirror')
options.mode = 'daemon'
options.host = 'localhost'
options.port = 2123
options.timeout = 60
options.daemon = None
options.daemon.datadir = "/var/fs_mirror"
options.fssync = 'Report'
options.fssync.port = 0
options.fssync.user = 'root'
options.fssync.passwd = ''
# Update options from a configuration file:
sys.path.insert (0, CONFIG_MODULE_PATH)
import fs_mirror_config as config
options('update', config.options)
except ImportError:
except tree.TreeExc, trexc:
strerr = "Invalid option because of: %s" % trexc.msg
print >> sys.stderr, strerr
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, strerr)
sys.exit (1)
# Update options from command line parameters:
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'm:h:p:t:o:v',
['mode=', 'host=', 'port=', 'timeout=', 'option=', 'datadir=',
'help', 'verbose', 'password-from='])
if args:
options.identities = args
ov = []
for o, v in opts:
if o == '-m' or o == '--mode':
options.mode = v
elif o == '-h' or o == '--host':
options.host = v
elif o == '-p' or o == '--port':
options.port = int(v)
elif o == '-t' or o == '--timeout':
options.timeout = int(v)
elif o == "--datadir":
options.daemon.datadir = v
elif o == '-o' or o == '--option':
elif o == '--help':
print usage
elif o == '-v' or o == '--verbose':
fs_mirror.debug = 1
fs_sync.debug = 1
elif o == '--password-from':
fname, hostid = v.split(':')
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Invalid secret-file:id pair for
for line in open(fname, 'r'):
line = line.strip()
id, passwd = line.split(':')
if id == hostid:
options.fssync.passwd = passwd
except ValueError:
raise ValueError, "Invalid id:password pair record '%s'"
% line
options('update', oparse(ov))
You can find the document of "cutils" project at:
http://crablfs.sourceforge.net <http://crablfs.sourceforge.net/tree.html>
and download it from:
But I think this Tree structure can also be used in other ways. For
example, I think it's possible to implement an API to read XML into such
structure ...
Luckily the basic definition has been finished now, you can also download
it from:
the document is in the code and unittest. And I have put the HTML at:
The source code is in SVN:
the files are tree.py and test_tree.py.
I hope this can be useful to you. Maybe I can write a PEP? Looking
forward to your suggestions and advices...
I'm not so expericenced, and this is only a partial finished work, since
I can only squash my limited spare time to do this and there is several
projects I have started. There are many things to learn, and now I'm
learning from you '')
Thank you.
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