Need to call functions/class_methods etc using string ref :How
J. Clifford Dyer
jcd at
Mon Nov 26 10:58:40 EST 2007
On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 04:07:03PM +0530, Ravi Kumar wrote regarding Need to call functions/class_methods etc using string ref :How:
> Hi,
> First of all, since this is my first mail to Python-List, I want to say
> "Hello world!"
> After that;
> I am stuck in a project. Actually I am writing a module (for testing
> now), which takes URL, parses it, finds which modules and then which
> method to call or which class to initiate and which string to load.
> So far, I have done some basic URL manipulation and validation and
> extracted the name of modules in a dict
> {
> 'ModuleName-1': None,
> 'ModuleName-2': None
> --ETC--
> }
> Now I want your help about how to call the function i.e _render() in
> the module. I have to iterate it calling all modules/also Class.methods
> and assinging the values in dict for each key as modulename.
> Means,
> just take that moduleName is a string which contains the name of module
> to load.
> FuncName is the string which contains the name of def <function> to
> call
> clName is the string which contains the name of the Class, which is to
> init and get returned object.
> means everything in string.
> ALso, if there are multiple methods to do it, if you provide a little
> pros/cons and comments, it would really be very nice of you.
> Before I came here, I have searched Google, and found a way
> hasattr()/getattr(), but that confused me a little and didnt worked for
> me. I am missing something I know, so please ENLIGHTEN Me :)
> Thanks in advance EVen you read this mail :P
> --
> -=Ravi=-
I see someone already showed you eval. Eval is evil. Don't use it. Especially if the functions are coming to you from a public URL!
You are on the right track putting the module names in a dictionary. Now tie those dictionary keys to functions.
func = { 'function_a': function_a,
'function_b': function_b }
now you can call them as follows, with the desired function name extracted from the URL into the variable f_request:
if f_request in func:
result = func[f_request]()
This way, users can't call functions you haven't explicitly added to the func dictionary.
> --
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