Bit Operations
Gianmaria Iaculo - NVENTA
gianmaria at
Wed Nov 28 17:20:24 EST 2007
John can you make an example of this solution? You maen that a more compact
way is possible???
Firma Gianmaria Iaculo
"John Machin" <sjmachin at> ha scritto nel messaggio
news:e6b04de3-721f-4f40-9de5-b4eb0da537a3 at
> On Nov 29, 8:05 am, "Gianmaria Iaculo - NVENTA"
> <gianma... at> wrote:
>> Txs all,
>> i wont to respond to who asked why i needed it:
>> I'm using python on GSM modules and the informations i have to move goes
>> along GPRS/UMTS connections so it's beatiful for me to transfer more
>> informations with less space...
>> imagine i have to send this simple data....
>> 41.232323,12.345678
>> i can send it as it's or use the nibble trick and on the receiving
>> station
>> 'unlift" the data and rebuild the original information...
>> isn'it???
> Sorry, but it's not apparent what you propose to do. If each number
> has 8 decimal digits of precision (as in your example), you could
> possibly get by with a 32-bit floating point number. If it's always 6
> decimal places and 0 <= number < 1000, you could pack (number *
> 1000000) into a 32-bit integer. For the above two options, check out
> the struct module. OTOH, maybe it's "packed decimal" that you mean --
> try Googling that phrase and see if it matches your intentions. If it
> does, and you are concerned with speed, a 100-element dictionary
> mapping each byte-pair to a packed byte might be a good idea instead
> of the bit bashing:
> convert = {
> '78': '\x78',
> ...
> }
> See
> HTH,
> John
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