attaching someconfusing results in on gnulinux

J. Cliff Dyer jcd at
Thu Nov 1 08:56:34 EDT 2007

krishnakant Mane wrote:
> hello all,
> I had mentioned previously that I can't open html files in python.
> I have my username as krishna and there is a documents folder.
> so when I give"file:///home/krishna/documents/tut.html")
> on python prompt I get true as return value but web browser (firefox )
> opens with page not found.
> and the address bar shows the following address which indeed is wrong.
> file:///home/krishna/"file:///home/krishna/documents/tut.html"
> I can't understand what is happening.
> regards,
> Krishnakant.

I haven't used the module, but it looks like is
treating your URL as a relative pathname instead.  So it takes the
current working directory (/home/krishna/), and appends the relative
path you gave it (file:///home/krishna/documents/tut.html).  Instead,
try calling:"documents/tut.html")

If that works, also try"/home/krishna/documents/tut.html")

I suspect both of those will work.  There must be some other syntax for
opening URLs directly. Or maybe it interoperates with urllib.


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