regular expression
gardsted at
Mon Nov 19 05:26:01 EST 2007
The retarded cousin - that's me!
I keep getting confused by the caret - sometimes it works - sometimes it's better with backslash-n
Yes - retarded cousin, I guess.
The file format is a config-track for a multitrack recording software, which i need to automate a bit.
I can start it from the command line and have it create a remix (using various vst and other effects)
Sometimes, however, we may have deleted the 'guitar.wav' and thus have to leave
out that track from the config-file or the rendering won't work.
Since it seems 'whitespace matters' in the file I have the following code to get me a tag:
I cost me a broken cup and coffee all over the the kitchen tiles - temper!
I still don't understand why I have to use \n instead of ^ af the start of TAGCONTENTS and TAGEND.
But I can live with it!
Thank you for your kind and humorous help!
kind retards
jorgen / de mente
import re
TESTTXT=open('003autoreaper.rpp').read() # whole file now
def getLevel(levl):
rex = re.compile(
r'(?m)' # multiline
r'(?P<TAGSTART>^ {%d}[<])' # the < character
r'(?P<TAGNAME>[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)' # the tagname
r'(?P<TAGDATA>[\S \t]*?$)' # the rest of the tagstart line
r'(?P<TAGCONTENTS>(\n {%d}[^>][\S \t]*$){0,})' # all the data coming before the >
r'(?P<TAGEND>\n {%d}>[\S \t]*$)' %(levl,levl,levl) # the > character
return rex
for i in getLevel(2).finditer(TESTTXT):
myMatch = i.groupdict()
print'TAGNAME'),i.start('TAGSTART'), i.end('TAGEND')
#print i.groups()
if myMatch['TAGNAME'] == 'TRACK':
#print i.groups()
for j in getLevel(6).finditer(TESTTXT,i.start('TAGSTART'), i.end('TAGEND')):
myMatch2 = j.groupdict()
#print j.groups()
print'TAGNAME'),j.start('TAGSTART'), j.end('TAGEND')
if myMatch2['TAGNAME'] == 'SOURCE':
for m in myMatch2:
print m, myMatch2[m]
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