optparse help output
thermostat at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 13:26:03 EDT 2007
On Oct 24, 12:06 pm, Tim Chase <python.l... at tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> > I've been using optparse for a while, and I have an option with a
> > number of sub-actions I want to describe in the help section:
> > parser.add_option("-a", "--action",
> > help=\
> [snipped formatted help]> """)
> > Unfortunately, when I run the script with --help, this is what I get
> > for the -a option:
> [snipped munged formatting of help]
> > Is there any way to get the formatting I want?
> I had the same issue:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/...
> and was directed by Ben Finney to check out a custom formatter.
> I got it working to my satisfaction and posted it in that thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/09f28e26af0699b1
> It may be a little more kind in what it does with your help-text.
> If you need variant behavior you can take my code and mung it
> even further.
> The changes are basically a copy&paste (including the comments,
> which Steven D'Aprano suggested might be better made into
> docstrings) of the format_description() and format_option() calls
> from the standard-library's source, and changing a few small
> lines to alter the behavior of calls to textwrap.*
> Hope this helps,
> -tkc
Thanks, Tim!
That was incredibly helpful. I did alter it to format paragraphs, but
maintain the double newlines. Also, I made a few changes to work with
the 2.3 version of optparse. Posted below for anyone who might want
it. (Also to work as a standalone .py file)
# From Tim Chase via comp.lang.python.
from optparse import IndentedHelpFormatter
import textwrap
class IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL(IndentedHelpFormatter):
def format_description(self, description):
if not description: return ""
desc_width = self.width - self.current_indent
indent = " "*self.current_indent
# the above is still the same
bits = description.split('\n')
formatted_bits = [
for bit in bits]
result = "\n".join(formatted_bits) + "\n"
return result
def format_option(self, option):
# The help for each option consists of two parts:
# * the opt strings and metavars
# eg. ("-x", or "-fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME")
# * the user-supplied help string
# eg. ("turn on expert mode", "read data from FILENAME")
# If possible, we write both of these on the same line:
# -x turn on expert mode
# But if the opt string list is too long, we put the help
# string on a second line, indented to the same column it would
# start in if it fit on the first line.
# read data from FILENAME
result = []
opts = option.option_strings
opt_width = self.help_position - self.current_indent - 2
if len(opts) > opt_width:
opts = "%*s%s\n" % (self.current_indent, "", opts)
indent_first = self.help_position
else: # start help on same line as opts
opts = "%*s%-*s " % (self.current_indent, "", opt_width, opts)
indent_first = 0
if option.help:
help_text = option.help
# Everything is the same up through here
help_lines = []
help_text = "\n".join([x.strip() for x in
for para in help_text.split("\n\n"):
help_lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(para, self.help_width))
if len(help_lines):
# for each paragraph, keep the double newlines..
help_lines[-1] += "\n"
# Everything is the same after here
result.append("%*s%s\n" % (
indent_first, "", help_lines[0]))
result.extend(["%*s%s\n" % (self.help_position, "", line)
for line in help_lines[1:]])
elif opts[-1] != "\n":
return "".join(result)
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