Django for database driven web application is OK?

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at
Wed Oct 3 03:46:53 EDT 2007

cuongvt napisaƂ(a):

> I'm new to both Django and Python. I'm mainly developing on PHP. 
> I tend to move to Django. But I want to confirm as below: 
> I heard that Django is mainly used for something like content management,
> CMS or something 
> like that and Rails is mainly for web applications. 
> So my question: is it true or not? 
> For rapid web application development, can I use Django to create intranet
> database web driven 
> application in my company for example: empoyees time management, goods
> import/export management, 
> salary management etc? 

No. Yes. I mean, Django is good in building CMS-like apps but is not a
framework for building CMS-like apps. For example, the largest community
site in Poland is built with Django. My company does
other interesting things in Django, completely unrelated to CMS/web

Jarek Zgoda
Skype: jzgoda | GTalk: zgoda at | voice: +48228430101

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