How to create a file on users XP desktop
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Mon Oct 8 13:16:19 EDT 2007
On Monday 08 October 2007 17:11:25 Tim Golden wrote:
> kyosohma at wrote:
> > On Oct 8, 9:19 am, goldtech <goldt... at> wrote:
> >>> from import shell, shellcon
> >>> desktop = shell.SHGetFolderPath (0, shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP, 0, 0)
> >>> </code>
> >>
> >> Tim,
> >>
> >> How did you learn Win32com?
> >>
> >> Other than the O'Reilly book, I've never found a lot of
> >> documentation.
> >>
> >> Trying to browse COM in PythonWin is tough - there's tons of stuff in
> >> there. I've never been able to find the Win32com classes, methods,
> >> usage examples when I browse COM in PythonWin.
> >>
> >> For example where is, shell.SHGetFolderPath and shellcon.CSIDL_DESKTOP
> >> officially documented?
> >>
> >> Did you learn from using Visual C++ or VB? How did you learn this
> >> stuff?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Lee G.
> >
> > Pretty much the only place to learn stuff that's not in the PyWin32
> > docs is on one of the MSDN sites. Yes, that can suck. Here's the
> > general page:
> >
> > You can google for them too to get direct links to the MSDN page.
> >
> > The ActiveState Python (AKA ActivePython) has an IDE that allows you
> > to browse the COM module. It also has a help file that allows you to
> > browse the PyWin32 docs locally. I think you can download that without
> > downloading ActivePython.
> >
> > Mike
> FWIW, the pywin32 distribution itself also comes with a local
> .chm file. But aside from that, there have been several abortive
> attempts -- including by Mike & myself! -- to get some kind of
> online help going for pywin32, but nothing's really gained traction,
> and we've all got more interesting things to be doing...
> One point to bear in mind that, more or less, the pywin32 stuff
> just wraps the MS API really closely, mostly doing just enough
> of the messy plumbing to present the API "objects" as Python
> objects. That's to say: find out how to do it from a C++ or VB
> or Delphi tutorial and translating into Python often isn't hard.
> As it happens I've been using Windows APIs for a few years,
> so I have a bit of a head start. But I've answered quite
> a few questions on python-win32 by putting the subject line
> into Google, picking a likely-looking response and translating
> it into Python.
> In this case ("How to create a file on users XP desktop") the
> question was too broad and tended to throw up user-oriented
> answers. I tried a few permutations, including limiting the
> search to, none of which showed much on the
> first couple of pages. A search of the pywin32.chm files does
> point in the right direction, but the fact is that the shell
> functionality exposed by Windows which does this kind of
> stuff is non-intuitive.
> While I think everyone agrees that the Windows side of Python
> could benefit from more and better docs, the general answer to:
> How do I do X in Python under Windows? is: How do I X under Windows?
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