Iteration for Factorials
usenet at
Fri Oct 26 07:00:35 EDT 2007
On Oct 25, 2:36 am, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote:
> Lou Pecora <pec... at> writes:
> > There might even be an array method that can be adapted to get the
> > product. Is there a product method? (analogous to a sum method)
> The "reduce" function which is being removed from python in 3.0.
> import operator
> def factorial(n):
> return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(1,n+1))
Since reduce is being removed, and Guido is known not to like its use
anyway, I propose the following code for Py2.5 and later:
import math
def fact(n):
return math.exp(sum((math.log(i) for i in range(1,n+1)))) if n
>= 0 else None
If you don't like the rounding errors you could try:
def fact(n):
d = {"p":1L}
def f(i): d["p"] *= i
map(f, range(1,n+1))
return d["p"]
It is left as an exercise to the reader as to why this code will not
work on Py3K
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