EasyMock for python ?

Simon Brunning simon at brunningonline.net
Thu Oct 11 10:26:40 EDT 2007

On 10/10/07, BlueBird <phil at freehackers.org> wrote:
> Does anybody know where to find a library like EasyMock for python ? I
> searched quickly but could not find anything.
> I found python-mocks on sourceforge but form quickly reading the docs,
> it is not an EasyMock style mock. Actually, according to
> http://martinfowler.com/articles/mocksArentStubs.html I don't think it
> is even a mock library. More a stub.

python-mock is more jMock than EasyMock in style, it's true, and the
fact that you define expectations *after* the test invocation rather
than before does feel a bit odd. But it does indeed check against the
defined expectations, so that makes it a mock library in my book.

A record-playback EasyMock style mock library would be nice, it's true...

Simon B.
simon at brunningonline.net
GTalk: simon.brunning | MSN: small_values | Yahoo: smallvalues

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