Convert string to command..
besturk at
Thu Oct 18 11:41:30 EDT 2007
On Oct 18, 6:26 pm, Hrvoje Niksic <hnik... at> wrote:
> Abandoned <best... at> writes:
> > 173.000 dict elements and it tooks 2.2 seconds this very big time
> > for my project
> If you're generating the string from Python, use cPickle instead.
> Much faster:
> >>> import time
> >>> d = dict((i, i+1) for i in xrange(170000))
> >>> len(d)
> 170000
> >>> s=repr(d)
> >>> t0 = time.time(); d2 = eval(s); t1 = time.time()
> >>> t1-t0
> 1.5457899570465088
> >>> import cPickle as pickle
> >>> s = pickle.dumps(d, -1)
> >>> len(s)
> 1437693
> >>> t0 = time.time(); d2 = pickle.loads(s); t1 = time.time()
> >>> t1-t0
> 0.060307979583740234>>> len(d2)
> 170000
> That is 25x speedup. Note that cPickle's format is binary. Using the
> textual format makes for more readable pickles, but reduces the
> speedup to "only" 9.5x on my machine.
> P.S.
> Before someone says that using pickle is unsafe, remember that he is
> considering *eval* as the alternative. :-)
import cPickle as pickle
s=pickle.dumps(a, -1)
print g
Thank you very much for your answer but result is a string ??
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