linear programming in Python
Wayne Brehaut
wbrehaut at
Wed Oct 17 12:08:24 EDT 2007
Hi Jorge,
On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 08:44:28 -0700, jivelasquezt at wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm new to this group so I don't know if this question has been posted
>before, but does anyone knows about linear/integer programming
>routines in Python that are available on the web, more specifically of
>the branch and bound method.
Try using your favourite search engine with a search string like
"linear programming Python branch bound". Using Alta Vista
( I got:
AltaVista found 16,500 results
and Google gave:
Results 1 - 10 of about 7,990
Some on the first page of each look like good possibilities, and I'm
sure there are others in the group that have first-hand experience and
can offer comparisons and advice. You might also try searching the
archives of this group--I searched just what my server has still
available and got no hits on "linear programming", but didn't try just
"LP" or similar.
Good luck!
>Jorge Velasquez
>PhD Student, Department of Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook
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