An ordered dictionary for the Python library?
James Stroud
jstroud at
Fri Sep 14 15:25:22 EDT 2007
Mark Summerfield wrote:
> So to clarify, here's the entire API I'm proposing for ordereddict. In
> all cases the ordereddict is always in (and kept in) key order, and
> any method that returns a list or iterator always returns that list or
> iterator (whether of keys or values) in key order:
> ordereddict(dictionary=None)
> The argument can be a dict or another ordereddict; all the dict()
> initializer
> approaches should also be supported.
> ordereddict.update(dictonary=None, **kwargs)
> Same as dict.update()---except that key order is preserved (a
> point I won't
> repeat in the others when I say "same as dict", but which is true
> throughout)
> @classmethod
> ordereddict.fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None) # Same as dict
> ordereddict.key(index : int) -> key
> Returns the index-th item's key
> ordereddict.item(index : int) -> (key, value)
> Returns the index-th item
> ordereddict.value(index : int) -> value
> Returns the index-th item's value
> ordereddict.set_value(index : int, value)
> Sets the index-th item's value to value; raises IndexError if
> index is out of
> range. If not expensive, maybe return the key.
> ordereddict.copy() # Same as dict.
> ordereddict.clear() # Same as dict.
> ordereddict.get(key, value=None) # Same as dict
> ordereddict.setdefault(key, value) # Same as dict
> ordereddict.pop(key, value) # Same as dict
> ordereddict.popitem() # Same as dict
> ordereddict.keys(fromindex : int = None, uptoindex : int : None) ->
> list of keys
> Returns an ordered list of keys, or a slice of keys if one or two
> indexes is given
> ordereddict.values() # Same as dict
> ordereddict.items() # Same as dict
> ordereddict.iterkeys() # Same as dict
> ordereddict.itervalues() # Same as dict
> ordereddict.iteritems() # Same as dict
> ordereddict.has_key() # Same as dict
> Also the same as dict (and as always, working in key order):
> for key in d: pass
> if key in d: pass
> len(d)
> del d[key]
> d[key]
> d[key] = value
May I also make one more suggestion, to call it a "sort_ordered_dict"
(or "sortordereddict", or even better a "sorteddict"--where the "ed"
comes from "ordered")? Its hard for me to move past the established
definition of "order", as we think of tuples being ordered--as in the
first sentence of something that
is preserving an order according to a comparison. The distinction is so
firmly ingrained in my head that it took me a while to wake up to the
fact that you were describing something completely different than an
ordered dictionary (e.g.
even though you were being very unambiguous with your description.
And I also think the ability to drop it in for a built-in dict is very
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