Using a time duration to print out data where every 2 seconds is a pixel

A.T.Hofkamp hat at
Mon Sep 10 09:48:44 EDT 2007

On 2007-09-10, cjt22 at <cjt22 at> wrote:
> I want to be able print out the Steps as a visual representation so
> that I can show
> 1. The order the steps started
> 2. The duration of the steps
> i.e. a print out such as:
> [    a    ]
>            [ b ]
>       [             c           ]

This graph is commonly known as a Gantt Chart.
The most common use case of such charts is project planning.

The newest GNU plot program has support for these charts afaik.

> Another related question is that I can't seem to do arithmetic when
> the variables are in String format
> of  %H:%M:%S or converted to type struct_time

True (but you already detected that).

Either convert your struct_times to floats (time.mktime), or use a date/time
module specialized in computing with dates and times.

(I have seen references to a module called datetime, but I have never used such
a module so no idea what it is or where to get it).


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