unexpected behavior: did i create a pointer?

Steven D'Aprano steve at REMOVE-THIS-cybersource.com.au
Fri Sep 7 20:32:35 EDT 2007

On Fri, 07 Sep 2007 15:59:53 +0200, Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:

> I just thought I'd go along with the analogy the OP created as that was
> his mindset and it would make things easier to follow if I didn't try to
> forcibly change that.

My reaction to somebody trying to reason with the wrong analogy is to 
teach them the right analogy, not to tell them they got it right when 
they actually got it wrong.

"My car won't start -- I must not have stirred the gasoline enough before 
baking it."

"Yes, that's right. It's very important to stir the gasoline fully so 
that all the ingredients are fully mixed."


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