exponential float formmating

attn.steven.kuo at gmail.com attn.steven.kuo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 11:03:09 EDT 2007

On Sep 7, 6:08 am, zunbe... at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> For compatibility reasons with an old program I have to format string
> in exponential
> format with the following format
> 0.xxxxxE-yy
> This means that the number start always by 0 and after the exponent
> there should be alway the sing and 2 number for the exponent.
> for example 13 shoud be 0.13000E+02
> I always get 1.30000E001

Perhaps it would then be worthwhile to subclass float?

import math
class ffloat(float):
    """Formatted float?"""
    def __str__(self):
        prefix = (self < 0) and '-' or ''
        fabs = math.fabs(self)
        exponent = math.floor(math.log10(fabs)) + 1
        significand = fabs / math.pow(10, exponent)
        width = exponent > 0 and 2 or 3
        return '%s%fE%0*d' % (prefix,significand,width,exponent)

f = ffloat(13)
print f
f = ffloat(-12.23e-4)
print f

Hope this helps,

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