[ANN] The Python Papers volume 2 issue 3
Maurice LING
mauriceling at acm.org
Thu Sep 6 21:59:17 EDT 2007
On behalf of the editorial board of The Python Papers (ISSN 1834-3147),
we are pleased to announce the release of our latest edition, Volume 2
Issue 3.
This is an important milestone for all of us as the next issue will mark
our first year in "press".
Volume 2 Issue 3 can be found at
http://archive.pythonpapers.org/ThePythonPapersVolume2Issue3.pdf and
Table of Contents:
Letter from the editor Pages 3
*Industry Articles*
Python User Group Highlights: Introducing BrisPy Pages 5-6
The Barriers Women Face in Tech Communities Pages 7-13
Python Testimonials Pages 14-17
The Longest Common Substring and Sentence Modification Pages 18-27
Python Events Page 44
*Peer Reviewed Section*
Pyphant - A Python Framework for Modelling Reusable Information
Processing Tasks Pages 28-43
We will like to thank the community for their contributions and support.
Maurice Ling
Associate Editor
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