Splitting MainWindow Class over several modules.

Iain King iainking at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 11:47:05 EDT 2008

Until recently almost all my python programs were held 1 file for 1
program.  This had grown unwieldy for one of my projects, so i decided
to refactor it, and ended up with something like this:


import wx

import options
import gui
import scf

class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
	def __init__(self):
		self.title = "SFtools v%s" % VERSION
		wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, self.title, size=(800,600))

	readOptions  = options.readOptions
	writeOptions = options.writeOptions

	createBindings      = gui.createBindings
	createControls      = gui.createControls
	createMenus         = gui.createMenus
	reportError         = gui.reportError

	loadSCF               = scf.loadSCF
	onOpen                = scf.onOpen
	reloadSCF             = scf.reloadSCF
	setMenuMode           = scf.setMenuMode
	unloadSCF             = scf.unloadSCF


Now, this works fine.  I like how it reads and that everything being
imported can be clearly seen.  I have this funny feeling though, that
this isn't the standard way of doing this.  What is?  And is there
anything about doing it this way which could be detrimental?


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