In Tkinter - having an input and an entry

Steve Holden steve at
Sat Apr 5 07:07:04 EDT 2008

markfernandes02 at wrote:
> I need some advice,
> I am creating a python program to communicate with an MS Access db in
> python 2.4.
> I can fetch records but cannot insert records.
> def Insert(self, *row):
>     global cursor, title, author, pubdate
>     sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO Book_table"
>     sqlInsert = sqlInsert + "(Bookname, BookAutor, "
>     sqlInsert = sqlInsert + "Publicationdate) VALUES ('"
>     sqlInsert = sqlInsert + title + "', '"
>     sqlInsert = sqlInsert + author + "', "
>     sqlInsert = sqlInsert + pubdate + ") "

First of all, read about parameterized queries so that you don't do any 
more of this. Abbreviated version: formulate your query so that 
cursor.execute takes a query with parameter slots in it as the first 
argument and a data set as the second argument.

>     myconn = odbc.odbc('accessDatabase')
>     cursor = myconn.cursor()
>     cursor.execute(sqlInsert)
>     myconn.commit()
>     cursor.close()
>     myconn.close()
> The above code does not work.

Secondly, observe that in a GUI environment the valuable traceback 
information will likely be completely lost, so you should get your code 
working first in a command-line based tool that will provide information 
about what is going wrong. "Does not work" is way to vague for anyone to 
be able to provide helpful responses. We need to see specific tracebacks 
(though kudos for actually listing your code: some people effectively 
just say the equivalent of "My program to do X does not work, can you 
tell me what's wrong with it"!).

> Also with Tkinter, i want to have user input records into the db, i
> cannot get what the user inputs into the entry to become a string
> variable.
That's usually a matter of calling the appropriate widget's correct 
method. For example, if you have an Entry widget called e you would 
retrieve the input from it by calling e.get - see

for documentation from the effbot, the font of all Tkinter knowledge.

> If you can help it would be most appreciated.
> Thanks in advanced

Did my best.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    

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