Calling Java Class from python

Ben Kaplan bskaplan14 at
Thu Apr 17 09:32:06 EDT 2008

If you need to explicitly call a method and get the results, AFAIK, the only way to do it is to use Jython, a version of Python written in java.
If you can do everything you need from the command line, then you can just use subprocess.Popen to run it. 
Here is the article on how to run java files from the command line:

----- Original Message ----
From: Good Z <goodz158 at>
To: python-list at
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:37:55 AM
Subject: Calling Java Class from python


We have developed a website in python and we need to integrate few features of third party website. They have provided us Base64EncoderDecoder Java Class and would like us to use it to encode the data before sending it to their site and decode it when received anything from their site.

I have no idea/knowledge of  Java. Can you please guide me  how can i call Java class from  Python  scripts? Or what is the best way to handle this condition.

Is Base64  library provided by python is compatible to  Base64EncoderDecoder Java Class?


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