DATICS'09 - Call For Papers
ss.datics at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 12:37:45 EDT 2008
Apologies for any multiple copies received. We would appreciate it if
you could distribute the following call for papers to any relevant mailing
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DATICS: Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and
Systems event was created by a network of researchers and engineers
both from academia and industry. The first edition took place in Crete
Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 (
Main target of DATICS'09 is to bring together
software/hardware engineering researchers, computer scientists,
practitioners and people from industry to exchange theories, ideas,
techniques and experiences related to all areas of design, analysis
and tools for integrated circuits (e.g. digital, analog and
mixed-signal circuits) and systems (e.g. real-time, hybrid and
embedded systems).
DATICS'09 also focuses on the field of formal methods, wireless sensor
networks (WSNs) and low power design methodologies for integrated circuits
and systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* digital, analog, mixed-signal designs and test
* RF design and test
* design-for-testability and built-in self test methodologies
* reconfigurable system design
* high-level synthesis
* EDA tools for design, testing and verification
* low power design methodologies
* network and system on-a-chip
* application-specific SoCs
* wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
* specification languages: SystemC, SystemVerilog and UML
* all areas of modelling, simulation and verification
* formal methods and formalisms (e.g. process algebras, petri-nets,
automaton theory and BDDs)
* real-time, hybrid and embedded systems
* software engineering (including real-time Java, real-time UML and
performance metrics)
DATICS'09 has been organised into two special sessions:
(http://digilander.libero.it/systemcfl/datics09-imecs) will
be hosted by the International MultiConference of Engineers and
Computer Scientists 2009 (IMECS'09) which will take place in Hong
Kong, 18-20 March, 2009.
(http://digilander.libero.it/systemcfl/datics09-iciea) will
be hosted by the 4th IEEE Conference on
Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA'09) which will
take place in Xi'an, China, 25-27 May, 2009.
Please visit the DATICS-IMECS'09 and DATICS-ICIEA'09 websites for
paper submission guidelines, proceedings, publication indexing,
submission deadlines, International Program Committee and sponsors.
For any additional information, please contact
Dr. K.L. Man
University College Cork (UCC), Ireland
Email: ss.datics at gmail.com
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