PIL (etc etc etc) on OS X
David C. Ullrich
dullrich at sprynet.com
Sat Aug 2 12:16:32 EDT 2008
>From the other reply it seems I may not need to worry
about any of this. Otoh I've had issues with pythonmac
versus OSX versions, etc, in the past. Just in case,
also in the spirit of that curious idea that learning
things is good:
First, it occurred to me that I've got wxPython installed
and it includes jpeg support. I don't suppose that means that
wxPython has already put a libjpeg somewhere and I just
need to tell PIL where it is?
Regardless, about your suggestions below (again,
any assertions here are really questions):
Presumably jibjpeg needs to be unzipped into its own
directory, or configure/make etc wouldn't be able to
figure out what I want to make. Presumably that happens
automatically when I unzip it.
Then after I do the configure/make/sudo make install will
libjpeg automatically be in some standard place? If not,
what's a good choice of standard place to put it, and
how do I put it there? (If I start here then it will
unzip to there, and then after I make it there it will
be installed in this third place, which is where I want
Thanks. Sorry to be so dumb - yes, it's perfectly reasonable
for eff to assume that people using PIL are programmers.
With a "new thing" in, say, Python I'd just try something
and then figure out what to try next to make it work - I
don't want to take that approach here lest I re-make
part of Darwin or something. Once many years ago I
learned a new thing: Attempting to run a sufficiently
invalid DOS exe could cause physical damage to a hard
drive... that wasn't the only thing I learned that day.
(Probably won't get back to this til Monday, btw, in
case you say something and I don't seem interested.)
In article <489379A7.5060009 at codebykevin.com>,
Kevin Walzer <kw at codebykevin.com> wrote:
> David C. Ullrich wrote:
> > Decided to try to install PIL on my Mac (OS X.5).
> OK, sounds good.
> >
> > I know nothing about installing programs on Linux,
> > nothing about building C programs, nothing about
> > installing libraries, nothing about "fink", nothing
> > about anything. Please insert question marks after
> > every sentence:
> For the record, OS X isn't Linux--it's a variant of BSD Unix. Similar,
> but no identical, to Linux.
> >
> > I saw a "BUILDME" with instructions "for lazy programmers".
> > I did that. It seems that everything worked except a
> > jpg library is missing.
> OK.
> >
> > I read that I need to install libjpeg. I read that on OS X
> > this is "usually" done using fink. Great:
> >
> > (i) The idea of installing fink scares me, for no reason
> > I could name. There's no way that's going to confuse the
> > rest of Darwin, right?
> You don't really need Fink just to install libjpeg. You do need the
> developer tools (Xcode) installed, otherwise you can't build any
> software at all.
> Libjpeg can be downloaded from http://www.ijg.org/. Download it,
> untar/unzip it. Fire up terminal, cd to the libjpeg directory, and type
> these commands:
> configure
> make
> sudo make install
> That should get libjpeg built and installed.
> >
> > (ii) When I look at the fink website I see a list of
> > supported libraries, not including libjpeg.
> So don't worry about Fink.
> >
> > I hate messing with things that I don't understand at _all_...
> Well, that's understandable, but this is your chance to learn something
> new.
> >
> > Thanks for any advice or comments.
> >
> > DU.
> >
> --Kevin
David C. Ullrich
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