interpreter vs. compiled

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Fri Aug 1 00:29:49 EDT 2008

Duncan Booth wrote:
> Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
>> 1. Portability: The Microsoft C# JIT compiler runs under Windows .NET
>> on x86/amd64 and maybe it64 and what else?  Just porting .NET to run
>> 0n Linux on the same processors was/is a bit task.  Does MONO have a
>> JIT also? 
> Technically there is no such thing as a Microsoft C# JIT compiler: the C# 
> compiler targets IL and the JIT compilers convert IL to the native machine,  
> but C# is just one of the frontend compilers you could use.
> Microsoft do JIT compilers for .Net Compact Framework that target ARM, 
> MIPS, SHx and x86. The Mono JIT supports:
> s390, s390x (32 and 64 bits) Linux
> SPARC(32) Solaris, Linux
> PowerPC Linux, Mac OSX
> x86 Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, OS X
> x86-64: AMD64 and EM64T (64 bit) Linux, Solaris
> IA64 Itanium2 (64 bit) Linux
> ARM: little and big endian Linux (both the old and the new ABI)
> Alpha Linux
> MIPS Linux
> HPPA Linux
> (from
> So I'd say .Net scores pretty highly on the portability stakes. (Although 
> of course code written for .Net might not do so well).

Did you mean IL scores highly?  In any case, scratch 1. portability as a 
reason why CPython lacks JIT.  That leave 2. $ in the multimillions.

3. Design difference1: I suspect that IL was designed with JIT 
compilation in mind, whereas PyCode was certainly not.

4. Design difference2: The first 'killer ap' for Python was driving 
compiled Fortran/C functions (early Numeric).  If a 'Python' program 
spend 95% of its time in compiled-to-machine-code extensions, reducing 
the other 5% to nothing gains little.  CPython *was* and has-been 
designed for this.

The process continues.  The relatively new itertools module was designed 
and tested in Python (see itertools in Libary reference).  But the 
delivered module is compiled C.


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