PIL (etc etc etc) on OS X
David C. Ullrich
dullrich at sprynet.com
Fri Aug 1 14:46:45 EDT 2008
Decided to try to install PIL on my Mac (OS X.5).
I know nothing about installing programs on Linux,
nothing about building C programs, nothing about
installing libraries, nothing about "fink", nothing
about anything. Please insert question marks after
every sentence:
I saw a "BUILDME" with instructions "for lazy programmers".
I did that. It seems that everything worked except a
jpg library is missing.
I read that I need to install libjpeg. I read that on OS X
this is "usually" done using fink. Great:
(i) The idea of installing fink scares me, for no reason
I could name. There's no way that's going to confuse the
rest of Darwin, right?
(ii) When I look at the fink website I see a list of
supported libraries, not including libjpeg.
I hate messing with things that I don't understand at _all_...
Thanks for any advice or comments.
version 1.1.6
platform darwin 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 17 2008, 19:35:17)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)]
--- TKINTER support ok
*** JPEG support not available
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support ok
--- FREETYPE2 support ok
To add a missing option, make sure you have the required
library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the
setup.py script.
To check the build, run the selftest.py script.
0-1d-4f-fc-28-d:Imaging-1.1.6 dullric$ python selftest.py
Failure in example: _info(Image.open("Images/lena.jpg"))
from line #24 of selftest.testimage
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./doctest.py", line 499, in _run_examples_inner
exec compile(source, "<string>", "single") in globs
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "./selftest.py", line 22, in _info
File "PIL/ImageFile.py", line 180, in load
d = Image._getdecoder(self.mode, d, a, self.decoderconfig)
File "PIL/Image.py", line 375, in _getdecoder
raise IOError("decoder %s not available" % decoder_name)
IOError: decoder jpeg not available
1 items had failures:
1 of 57 in selftest.testimage
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
*** 1 tests of 57 failed.
David C. Ullrich
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