When to use try and except?
circularfunc at yahoo.se
Fri Aug 29 13:56:45 EDT 2008
On Aug 29, 7:40 pm, Daniel <daniel.watr... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 11:23 am, cnb <circularf... at yahoo.se> wrote:
> > If I get zero division error it is obv a poor solution to do try and
> > except since it can be solved with an if-clause.
> > However if a program runs out of memory I should just let it crash
> > right? Because if not then I'd have to write exceptions everywhere to
> > prevent that right?
> > So when would I actually use try-except?
> > If there can be several exceptions and I just want to catch 1 or 2?
> > Like
> > try:
> > blahaba
> > except SomeError:
> > do something
> I'm not sure whay you're trying to do, but I think catching a
> ZeroDivisionError exception is a good use of try-except.
> I'm also not sure that I would say you just let a program crash if it
> runs out of memory. I would think that from the user perspective, you
> would want to check memory conditions and come up with an exception
> indicating that some memory threshold has been reached. When that
> exception is raised you should indicate that to the user and exit
> gracefully.
A ZeroDivisionError is better avoided wth an if-clause, don't you
think? It is a predictable exception...
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