regex question
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
bj_666 at
Tue Aug 5 07:10:23 EDT 2008
On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 11:39:36 +0100, Fred Mangusta wrote:
> In other words I'd like to replace all the instances of a '.' character
> with something (say nothing at all) when the '.' is representing a
> decimal separator. E.g.
> 500.675 ----> 500675
> but also
> 1.000.456.344 ----> 1000456344
> I don't care about the fact the the resulting number is difficult to
> read: as long as it remains a series of digits it's ok: the important
> thing is to get rid of the period, because I want to keep it only where
> it marks the end of a sentence.
> I was trying to do like this
> s=re.sub("[(\d+)(\.)(\d+)]","... ",s)
> but I don't know much about regular expressions, and don't know how to
> get the two groups of numbers and join them in the sub. Moreover doing
> like this I only match things like "345.000" and not "1.000.000".
> What's the correct approach?
In [13]: re.sub(r'(\d)\.(\d)', r'\1\2', '1.000.456.344')
Out[13]: '1000456344'
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
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