urllib getting SSL certificate info
Jean-Paul Calderone
exarkun at divmod.com
Tue Aug 19 17:05:47 EDT 2008
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 23:06:30 +0300, Ghirai <ghirai at ghirai.com> wrote:
>On Sunday 17 August 2008 20:15:47 John Nagle wrote:
>> If you really need details from the SSL cert, you usually have to use
>> M2Crypto. The base SSL package doesn't actually do much with certificates.
>> It doesn't validate the certificate chain. And those strings of
>> attributes you can get are ambiguious; data fields may contain unescaped
>> "/", which is the field separator. I went through this last year and
>> had to use M2Crypto, which is something of a headache but more or less
>> works.
>> John Nagle
>Would you mind sharing some code? The module is pretty ugly and on top has no
>docs whatsoever; got tired of reading the source...
I don't know about M2Crypto. Here's some sample code for PyOpenSSL:
from socket import socket
from OpenSSL.SSL import Connection, Context, SSLv3_METHOD
s = socket()
s.connect(('google.com', 443))
c = Connection(Context(SSLv3_METHOD), s)
c.send('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n')
cert = c.get_peer_certificate()
print cert.get_issuer().get_components()
print cert.get_subject().get_components()
When I run this, I get:
[('C', 'ZA'), ('O', 'Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd.'), ('CN', 'Thawte SGC CA')]
[('C', 'US'), ('ST', 'California'), ('L', 'Mountain View'), ('O', 'Google Inc'), ('CN', 'www.google.com')]
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