print "%s"
gundlach at
Mon Aug 18 09:37:59 EDT 2008
The string.join() approach is better for your purpose, but FYI you can
multiply a string to repeat it:
In [2]: "%s\t" * 6
Out[2]: '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t'
- Michael
On Aug 18, 3:27 am, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
42.desthuilli... at websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
> Cameron Simpson a écrit :
> > On 18Aug2008 11:58, Beema Shafreen <beema.shafr... at> wrote:
> > | In my script i have to print a series of string , so
> > |
> > | print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t" %("a","v","t","R","s","f")
> > |
> > | I need to know instead of typing so many %s can i write %6s in python, as
> > | we do in C progm.
> > I hate to tell you this, but "%6s" in C does NOT print 6 strings. It
> > prints 1 string, right justified, in no less that 6 characters.
> > C is just like Python in this example.
> > | What are the other options .
> > Write a small loop to iterate over the strings. Print a tab before each
> > string except the first.
> Or use the str.join method:
> print "\t".join(list("avtRsf"))
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