Filling in Degrees in a Circle (Astronomy)
W. eWatson
notvalid2 at
Sat Aug 23 23:47:14 EDT 2008
tom wrote:
> W. eWatson wrote:
>> tom wrote:
>>> W. eWatson wrote:
>>>> The other night I surveyed a site for astronomical use by measuring
>>>> the altitude (0-90 degrees above the horizon) and az (azimuth, 0
>>>> degrees north clockwise around the site to 360 degrees, almost north
>>>> again) of obstacles, trees. My purpose was to feed this profile of
>>>> obstacles (trees) to an astronomy program that would then account
>>>> for not sighting objects below the trees.
>>>> When I got around to entering them into the program by a file, I
>>>> found it required the alt at 360 azimuth points in order from 0 to
>>>> 360 (same as 0). Instead I have about 25 points, and expected the
>>>> program to be able to do simple linear interpolation between those.
>>>> Is there some simple operational device in Python that would allow
>>>> me to create an array (vector) of 360 points from my data by
>>>> interpolating between azimuth points when necessary? All my data I
>>>> rounded to the nearest integer. Maybe there's an interpolation
>>>> operator?
>>>> As an example, supposed I had made 3 observations: (0,0) (180,45)
>>>> and (360,0). I would want some thing like (note the slope of the
>>>> line from 0 to 179 is 45/180 or 0.25):
>>>> alt: 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, ... 44.75, 45.0
>>>> az : 0, 1, 2, 3, 180
>>>> Of course, I don't need the az.
>>> If I understand you right, I think using interpolation as provided by
>>> scipy would do what you need.
>>> Here's an example:
>>> from scipy.interpolate.interpolate import interp1d
>>> angles = [0, 22, 47.5, 180, 247.01, 360]
>>> altitudes = [18, 18, 26, 3, 5, 18]
>>> desired_angles = range(0, 361)
>>> skyline = interp1d(angles, altitudes, kind="linear")
>>> vals = skyline(desired_angles)
>>> # that is, vals will be the interpolated altitudes at each of the
>>> # desired angles.
>>> if 1: # plot this out with matplotlib
>>> import pylab as mx
>>> mx.figure()
>>> mx.plot(angles, altitudes, 'x')
>>> mx.plot(desired_angles, vals)
>> I decided this morning and roll up my sleeves and write the program. I
>> plan to take a deeper plunge in the next month than my so far erratic
>> look over the last 18 or more months It's working.
>> The above looks like it's on the right track. Is scipy some collection
>> of astro programs? mx is a graphics character plot?
>> I just hauled it into IDLE and tried executing it.
>> from scipy.interpolate.interpolate import interp1d
>> ImportError: No module named scipy.interpolate.interpolate
>> Apparently, something is missing.
>> I posted a recent msg a bit higher that will probably go unnoticed, so
>> I'll repeat most of it. How do I get my py code into some executable
>> form so that Win users who don't have python can execute it?
> Both scipy and matplotlib are not part of the standard Python
> distribution so they would need to be installed separately. Scipy is
> useful for scientific data analysis, and matplotlib is useful for making
> plots.
> Since you want to wrap everything into a Windows executable, it's
> probably easiest for you not to use scipy. At the least, I suspect it
> would make your executable file much larger, but I've never made a
> Windows executable so I don't know the details.
> As for making an executable, I'm not the one to ask, but googling leads
> to this:
> which looks like a good place to start.
> Tom
What modules do I need to use pylab? I've installed scipy and numpy.
Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet
Web Page: <>
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