A variables variables

Maric Michaud maric at aristote.info
Sun Aug 24 10:02:30 EDT 2008

Le Sunday 24 August 2008 03:24:29 Terry Reedy, vous avez écrit :
> Gandalf wrote:
> > how can I declare a variable with another variable  name?
> >
> > for example  I will use PHP:
> >
> > $a= "hello";
> >
> > $a_hello="baybay";
> >
> > print ${'a_'.$a)  //output: baybay
> >
> >
> > how can i do it with no Arrays using  python
> Others have given you the direct answer.

Well using locals() is the right answer, it is a very bad use case for eval.

> But using lists or dicts is 
> almost always a better solution in Python than synthesizing global/local
> namespace names.
> a={'hello':'baybay'}
> print a['hello']

But locals() *is* an already made dict, very convenient for use locally and 

>>>[155]: var1 = "easy"

>>>[156]: var2 = "proper"

>>>[157]: var3 = "locals"

>>>[158]: print "a %(var2)s and %(var1)s use of %(var3)s with %(var3)s()" % 
a proper and easy use of locals with locals()


Maric Michaud

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