How to best explain a "subtle" difference between Python and Perl ?
demarcheb at
Wed Aug 13 04:59:14 EDT 2008
On Aug 13, 2:12 am, Jonathan Gardner <jgard... at>
> On Aug 12, 9:17 am, Palindrom <demarc... at> wrote:
> > Hi everyone !
> > I'd like to apologize in advance for my bad english, it's not my
> > mother tongue...
> > My girlfriend (who is a newbie in Python, but knows Perl quite well)
> > asked me this morning why the following code snippets didn't give the
> > same result :
> > ### Python ###
> > liste = [1,2,3]
> > def foo( my_list ):
> > my_list = []
> > foo(liste)
> > print liste# she expected liste to be an empty list
> > ### Perl ###
> > @lst =(1,2,3);
> > $liste =\@lst;
> > foo($liste);
> > print "@lst\n";
> > sub foo {
> > my($my_list)=@_;
> > @{$my_list}=()
> > }
> > I have to admit that I don't know how to clearlyexplainto her the
> > differences between these results.
> > Could someone please help us understand these difference between
> > Python and Perl ?
> David Ullrich gives a great and complete answer. I want to focus on
> some of the subtleties.
> Perl and C share a lot in common. There are "direct" variables, things
> like numbers and arrays. These aren't references to object, but the
> object is itself stored in the variable. That is, you can't talk about
> the thing that is '@lst' without creating a reference to it.
> Python, on the other hand, doesn't have direct variables. Well, it
> does, it is just that all of the direct variables are really pointers
> or references to the values they reference.
> Imagine a perl where you are only allowed to use scalars, and
> specifically, scalars that are references to object but not references
> to references. That is the Python variable system.
> To be more concrete...
> This statement cannot be expressed in Python:
> @lst = (1, 2, 3); # perl
> However, you can create an arrayref (perl) / list (Python) and assign
> a scalar (perl) / variable (Python) to reference it:
> $liste = [1, 2, 3]; # perl
> liste = [1, 2, 3] # Python
> Likewise, this statement cannot be expressed in Python:
> $refref = \$ref; # perl
> Although you can cheat in both perl and Python to get a similar
> result:
> $refref = [$ref] # perl
> refref = [ref] # python
> As far as the functions, the Python version and the perl version are
> doing two completely different things. David explains how to write a
> Python version that does what the perl version is doing. If you wanted
> a perl version that did what your python version did, it would look
> like this:
> sub foo {
> my ($my_list) = @_;
> $my_list = [];
> return undef;
> }
> Is Python's variable system better than perl's? It depends on which
> way you prefer. As for me, being a long-time veteran of perl and
> Python, I don't think having a complicated variable system such as
> perl's adds anything to the language. Python's simplicity in this
> regard is not only sufficient, but preferable.
Thank you Jonathan for your extensive and clear response !
I agree with you, Python's variable system is eazier to understand.
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