Decorators using instance variables
Bruno Desthuilliers
bdesth.quelquechose at
Tue Aug 26 16:36:45 EDT 2008
robert2821 a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm new; greetings all!
Since you're new here, first a couple advises:
1/ the python mailing list is relayed to the comp.lang.python usenet
newsgroup (from where I'm reading your post and answering it), so please
avoid attachments. Either put the full code in your post, or provide an
url to somewhere we can read it.
2/ don't bother reading anything from someone named 'castironpi', it's
one of our currently active resident troll, and he is worse than clueless.
> I'm wondering if the following program should work. I think it should
> print 'Hello, World', but instead it produces a TypeError. Is this a
> bug in decorators, a feature of them, or a mistake or misunderstanding
> on my part?
I doubt this is a bug. But it can be both a feature and a mistake or
misunderstanding !-)
<ot topic="your code">
Please read pep08. Coding convention are very strong in Python. And
preferably, use spaces (4 spaces per tab) for indentation.
> def getdec(f):
> dec = decorator(f)
> return dec. docall
> class decorator:
- pep08 : class names should be CamelCased
- unless you have a compelling reason to stick to a by now antiquated
object model, better to use "new-style" classes. Part of what you'll
read here about Python's OO features apply only to new-style classes,
and most of the remaining apply to both object models.
IOW, make this:
class Decorator(object):
> def __init__ (self, f):
> self.f = f
> def docall (self, *a):
> return self.f(*a)
You can write your own callable types by implementing the __call__ method.
> class test:
> @getdec
> def doit (self, message):
> print message
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> foo = test ()
> foo.doit ('Hello, world')
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