PIL (etc etc etc) on OS X
David C. Ullrich
dullrich at sprynet.com
Tue Aug 5 11:47:07 EDT 2008
In article <489797fc$0$49816$e4fe514c at news.xs4all.nl>,
Irmen de Jong <irmen.NOSPAM at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> David C. Ullrich wrote:
> > Just as well that the message sent earlier today
> > seems to have been lost...
> >
> > Ok. Read your instructions on libjpeg. Read some
> > of the install.doc. ./configure, fine. make, fine.
> > "make test", fine. So I said "sudo make install"
> > and this happened:
> >
> > 0-1d-4f-fc-28-d:jpeg-6b dullric$ sudo make install
> > Password:
> [...]
> I had to do the following to build and install it in a way such that PIL
> would recognise
> it. But it does now, without changing anything in PIL's setup files.
> $ cd jpeg-6b/
> $ ln -s `which glibtool` libtool
> $ ./configure --enable-shared --enable-static --host=powerpc
> $ make
> $ sudo make install
Thanks - that gets me closer:
I'd already found out about the --enable-* switches, but
when I tried them it complained it couldn't find ./libtool.
I _guessed_ host should be intel
I changed the 10.4 to 10.5 and did this:
$ ln -s `which glibtool` libtool
$ ./configure --enable-shared --enable-static --host=intel
$ make
$ sudo make install
That fixed the complaints about no ./libtool, great.
Then I went back to PIL. The setup.py reported that everything
was great, including JPEG.
And then selftest.py said it couldn't find a jpeg decoder...
0-1d-4f-fc-28-d:Imaging-1.1.6 dullric$ python selftest.py
Failure in example: _info(Image.open("Images/lena.jpg"))
from line #24 of selftest.testimage
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./doctest.py", line 499, in _run_examples_inner
exec compile(source, "<string>", "single") in globs
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "./selftest.py", line 22, in _info
File "PIL/ImageFile.py", line 180, in load
d = Image._getdecoder(self.mode, d, a, self.decoderconfig)
File "PIL/Image.py", line 375, in _getdecoder
raise IOError("decoder %s not available" % decoder_name)
IOError: decoder jpeg not available
1 items had failures:
1 of 57 in selftest.testimage
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
*** 1 tests of 57 failed.
> (note that I have a PPC mac so the host parameter may not be correct for your
> system)
> --irmen
David C. Ullrich
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