kill thread
bockman at
bockman at
Fri Aug 8 06:42:48 EDT 2008
On 8 Ago, 10:03, "Mathieu Prevot" <mathieu.pre... at> wrote:
> 2008/8/8 Miki <miki.teb... at>:
> > Hello,
> >> I have a threading.Thread class with a "for i in range(1,50)" loop
> >> within. When it runs and I do ^C, I have the error [1] as many as
> >> loops. I would like to catch this exception (and if possible do some
> >> cleanup like in C pthreads) so the program finishes cleanly. Where and
> >> how can I do this ? in __run__ ? __init__ ? a try/except stuff ?
> > You can have a try/except KeyboardException around the thread code.
> > HTH,
> > --
> > Miki
> Of course, but I don't know where. I placed this inside loop, within
> called functions from the loop, I still have the problem.
> Mathieu
Try this:
loop_completed = True
for i in range(1,50):
# your code here
except KeyboardException:
loop_completed = False
break # this breaks the loop
# end loop
if loop_completed:
# code to be executed in case of normal completion
# code to be executed in case of interruption
# code to be executed in both cases
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