Parsing and Editing Source
PaulAlexWilson at
Fri Aug 15 11:44:23 EDT 2008
On Aug 15, 4:16 pm, Rafe <rafesa... at> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 9:21 pm, "Paul Wilson" <paulalexwil... at> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'd like to be able to do the following to a python source file
> > programmatically:
> > * Read in a source file
> > * Add/Remove/Edit Classes, methods, functions
> > * Add/Remove/Edit Decorators
> > * List the Classes
> > * List the imported modules
> > * List the functions
> > * List methods of classes
> > And then save out the result back to the original file (or elsewhere).
> > I've begun by using the tokenize module to generate a token-tuple list
> > and am building datastructures around it that enable the above
> > methods. I'm find that I'm getting a little caught up in the details
> > and thought I'd step back and ask if there's a more elegant way to
> > approach this, or if anyone knows a library that could assist.
> > So far, I've got code that generates a line number to token-tuple list
> > dictionary, and am working on a datastructure describing where the
> > classes begin and end, indexed by their name, such that they can be
> > later modified.
> > Any thoughts?
> > Thanks,
> > Paul
> I can't help much...yet, but I am also heavily interested in this as I
> will be approaching a project which will require me to write code
> which writes code back to a file or new file after being manipulated.
> I had planned on using the inspect module's getsource(), getmodule()
> and getmembers() methods rather than doing any sort of file reading.
> Have you tried any of these yet? Have you found any insurmountable
> limitations?
The inspect module's getsource() returns the source code as originally
defined. It does not return any changes that have been made during
runtime. So, if you attached a new class to a module, I don't belive
that getsource() would be any use for extracting the code again to be
saved. I have rejected this approach for this reason. getmembers()
seems to be fine for this purpose, however I don't seen anyway to get
class decorators and method decorators out.
> It looks like everything needed is there. Some quick thoughts
> regarding inspect.getmembers(module) results...
> * Module objects can be written based on their attribute name and
> __name__ values. If they are the same, then just write "import %s" %
> mod.__name__. If they are different, write "import %s as %s" % (name,
> mod.__name__)
> * Skipping built in stuff is easy and everything else is either an
> attribute name,value pair or an object of type 'function' or 'class'.
> Both of which work with inspect.getsource() I believe.
True, but if you add a function or class at runtime,
inspect.getsource() will not pick it up. It's reading the source from
a file, not doing some sort of AST unparse magic as I'd hoped. You'll
also have to check getsource() will return the decorator of an object
> * If the module used any from-import-* lines, it doesn't look like
> there is any difference between items defined in the module and those
> imported in to the modules name space. writing this back directly
> would 'flatten' this call to individual module imports and local
> module attributes. Maybe reading the file just to test for this would
> be the answer. You could then import the module and subtract items
> which haven't changed. This is easy for attributes but harder for
> functions and classes...right?
Does getmodule() not tell you where objects are defined?
> Beyond this initial bit of code, I'm hoping to be able to write new
> code where I only want the new object to have attributes which were
> changed. So if I have an instance of a Person object who's name has
> been changed from it's default, I only want a new class which inherits
> the Person class and has an attribute 'name' with the new value.
> Basically using python as a text-based storage format instead of
> something like XML. Thoughts on this would be great for me if it
> doesn't hijack the thread ;) I know there a quite a few who have done
> this already.
You want to be able to make class attribute changes and then have some
automated way of generating overriding subclasses that reflects this
change? Sounds difficult. Be sure to keep me posted on your journey!
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