Random Problems
lanny at freshells.ch
Wed Aug 13 19:54:38 EDT 2008
> 1) You need to either use raw string for your pathnames or use forward
> slashes.
> This is because backslash is an escape character to Python and if you get
> any legal escaped sequence (like \n, \t, etc) it won't work as expected.
> songs = glob.glob(r'C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My
> Documents\LimeWire\Saved\*.mp3')
> or
> songs = glob.glob('C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/My
> Documents/LimeWire/Saved/*.mp3')
> Yes, forward slashes work just fine on windows.
> 2) When you have a list (songs) and append another list (asongs) you don't
> get a combined list, you get a list with the last element being the second
> list.
> example:
> >>> songs = [1,2,3]
> >>> asongs = [4,5,6]
> >>> songs.append(asongs)
> >>> songs
> [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]
> >>>
> What you wanted was songs.extend(asongs). BTW-Inserting a couple of print
> statements would have shown you this problem pretty quickly.
> -Larry
Thanks for the speedy responce, it really helped
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