Memory Leak?

Rob Wolfe rw at
Wed Aug 27 04:25:09 EDT 2008

Kevin McKinley napisaƂ(a):
> So i've complete my first program with a GUI interface.  I've noticed
> that everytime  i click a tab or button the amount of memory the program
> takes up goes up by 50-200 kb.  The program will start off at 4.5mb and
> by the time i'm done it can get up over 10 or 15 mb.  The program will
> start running little slower also.  Is this a sign that i might have done
> something wrong?

You can use guppy-pe [1]_ to check what happens with memory.
In this great document you can find how to debug and fix
memory problem with Tkinter:

.. [1]


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