Filling in Degrees in a Circle (Astronomy)
Gerard flanagan
grflanagan at
Mon Aug 25 10:46:37 EDT 2008
W. eWatson wrote:
> The other night I surveyed a site for astronomical use by measuring the
> altitude (0-90 degrees above the horizon) and az (azimuth, 0 degrees
> north clockwise around the site to 360 degrees, almost north again) of
> obstacles, trees. My purpose was to feed this profile of obstacles
> (trees) to an astronomy program that would then account for not sighting
> objects below the trees.
> When I got around to entering them into the program by a file, I found
> it required the alt at 360 azimuth points in order from 0 to 360 (same
> as 0). Instead I have about 25 points, and expected the program to be
> able to do simple linear interpolation between those.
> Is there some simple operational device in Python that would allow me to
> create an array (vector) of 360 points from my data by interpolating
> between azimuth points when necessary? All my data I rounded to the
> nearest integer. Maybe there's an interpolation operator?
> As an example, supposed I had made 3 observations: (0,0) (180,45) and
> (360,0). I would want some thing like (note the slope of the line from 0
> to 179 is 45/180 or 0.25):
> alt: 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, ... 44.75, 45.0
> az : 0, 1, 2, 3, 180
> Of course, I don't need the az.
Using one of the Python maths packages (scipy, sage, ...) is no doubt
better, but out of interest here is some first-principles interpolation:
class NewtonInterpolatingPolynomial(object):
def __init__(self):
self._domain = []
self._codomain = []
self._diffs = None
self._coeffs = []
def add_data_point(self, x, y):
if self._diffs is None:
self._diffs = {}
degree = len(self._domain) - 2
_x = self._domain[-2]
_y = self._codomain[-2]
self._diffs[(degree, degree+1)] = (y - _y) / (x - _x)
indices = range(degree+2)
for t in ( tuple(indices[i:]) for i in
reversed(indices[:-2]) ):
denominator = self._domain[t[0]] - self._domain[t[-1]]
k, _k = self._diffs[t[1:]], self._diffs[t[:-1]]
self._diffs[t] = (_k - k) / denominator
def __str__(self):
N = len(self._domain)
if not N:
return ''
parts = [str(self._codomain[0])]
multipliers = [''.join(('(X - ',str(C),')')) for C in
for i, k in enumerate(self._coeffs):
parts.append('*'.join([str(k)] + multipliers[:i+1]))
return ' + '.join(parts)
def interpolate(self, gamma):
#return eval(str(self).replace('X', str(gamma)))
ret = self._codomain[0]
K = 1
multipliers = [gamma-C for C in self._domain[:-1]]
for i, k in enumerate(multipliers):
K *= k
ret += self._coeffs[i] * K
return ret
def __call__(self, x):
return self.interpolate(x)
rawdata = '''
0 18
18 18
27 16
34 20
48 20
59 28
72 32
data = [map(float, line.split() ) for line in rawdata.splitlines() if line]
newton = NewtonInterpolatingPolynomial()
for x, y in data:
newton.add_data_point(x, y)
print newton
for P in range(80):
print P, ' -> ', newton(P)
18.0 + 0.0*(X - 0.0) + -0.0082304526749*(X - 0.0)*(X - 18.0) +
0.00170098903759*(X - 0.0)*(X - 18.0)*(X - 27.0) + -8.87803681143e-05*(X
- 0.0)*(X - 18.0)*(X - 27.0)*(X - 34.0) + 3.29057245545e-06*(X - 0.0)*(X
- 18.0)*(X - 27.0)*(X - 34.0)*(X - 48.0) + -8.98633510787e-08*(X -
0.0)*(X - 18.0)*(X - 27.0)*(X - 34.0)*(X - 48.0)*(X - 59.0)
0 -> 18.0
1 -> 26.0156268043
2 -> 31.8038369501
3 -> 35.719116702
4 -> 38.0797664434
5 -> 39.1701395406
6 -> 39.2428165062
7 -> 38.5207144606
8 -> 37.1991318912
9 -> 35.4477287116
10 -> 33.4124416172
11 -> 31.2173347409
12 -> 28.9663856061
13 -> 26.7452063785
14 -> 24.6227004166
15 -> 22.6526541194
16 -> 20.8752640745
17 -> 19.3185995022
18 -> 18.0
19 -> 16.9274085845
20 -> 16.1006400316
21 -> 15.5125845157
22 -> 15.1503465468
23 -> 14.996319206
24 -> 15.0291936797
25 -> 15.2249040921
26 -> 15.5575076355
27 -> 16.0
28 -> 16.525066101
29 -> 17.1057661048
30 -> 17.7161567532
31 -> 18.3318479864
32 -> 18.9304948638
33 -> 19.4922247833
34 -> 20.0
35 -> 20.4399154416
36 -> 20.8014318237
37 -> 21.0775440624
38 -> 21.2648849859
39 -> 21.3637643445
40 -> 21.3781431185
41 -> 21.3155431251
42 -> 21.1868919232
43 -> 21.0063030167
44 -> 20.7907913565
45 -> 20.5599241405
46 -> 20.3354069122
47 -> 20.1406049574
48 -> 20.0
49 -> 19.9385821951
50 -> 19.9811774214
51 -> 20.1517098718
52 -> 20.472399942
53 -> 20.962897418
54 -> 21.6393499612
55 -> 22.5134068932
56 -> 23.5911582776
57 -> 24.872009301
58 -> 26.3474899523
59 -> 28.0
60 -> 29.8014892685
61 -> 31.712073212
62 -> 33.6785837876
63 -> 35.6330556265
64 -> 37.4911475029
65 -> 39.1504991026
66 -> 40.4890230889
67 -> 41.3631324673
68 -> 41.6059032486
69 -> 41.0251724103
70 -> 39.4015711567
71 -> 36.4864934765
72 -> 32.0
73 -> 25.6286571539
74 -> 17.0233116147
75 -> 5.79680006015
76 -> -8.47840578009
77 -> -26.2726187763
78 -> -48.1014207514
79 -> -74.5282115362
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