New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?
ajaksu at
Mon Dec 29 17:18:25 EST 2008
On Dec 29, 7:37 pm, Luis M. González <luis... at> wrote:
> I still can't get used to add the parenthesis to "print", and this is
> the only thing I don't like, but I'm sure there's a good reason for
> this change...
I should know better than to post such an awful hack:
from sys import excepthook as sys_excepthook
from sys import modules
def printhook(exctype, value, traceback):
skip = True
if isinstance(value, SyntaxError):
if 'print ' in value.text:
printable = value.text.replace('print ', '')[:-1]
skip = False
toprint = 'print(' + printable +')'
print('Trying to convert your mess into', toprint)
except NameError as ne:
name = str(ne).replace("name '", '').replace("' is not
defined", '')
var = str(getattr(modules['__main__'], name))
exec('print(' + printable.replace(name, var) +
except AttributeError as ae:
sys_excepthook(NameError, ne, traceback)
except SyntaxError as se:
print('NameError workaround replaced something
skip = True
except NameError as ne2:
print('Too many names to map to objects :P')
skip = True
print('Sorry, something went wrong and I am too
lazy to find out what')
skip = True
skip = True
if skip:
sys_excepthook(exctype, value, traceback)
Then, as I'd check some stuff in parallel on 2.5 and 3.0, I do this on
the 3.0 prompt:
import sys
exchook = sys.excepthook
from __past__ import printhook
sys.excepthook = printhook
As soon as I wrote that mess^H^H^H^H helper, remembering to use print
() became easier (I think the trauma helped) and I haven't imported
much from __past__ since.
Should I hit 'send'?
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