How to "kill" orphaned threads at program exit
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Sun Dec 28 23:33:19 EST 2008
En Sun, 28 Dec 2008 15:47:24 -0200, Roy Smith <roy at> escribió:
> In article
> <b133b978-fe63-4893-bb33-8c96bfb59522 at>,
> "Giampaolo Rodola'" <gnewsg at> wrote:
>> I know that it's not possible to "kill" threads but I'm wondering if
>> does exist some workaround for my problem.
>> I have a test suite which does a massive usage of threads.
>> Sometimes happens that one test fails, the test suite keeps running
>> until the end, and when it's finished the program hangs on and the
>> only way to stop is to kill it manually.
> You don't say how you're creating your threads, so I'll assume you're
> using
> threading.Thread(). After creating each thread, and before calling
> start()
> on it, call setDaemon(True).
The hard part is, then, to figure out some condition for the non-daemon
thread to wait for before exiting.
As a last resort -let's say, after waiting for N seconds for all threads
to exit- one can use PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc to "inject" an exception
into the unfinished threads. I think there is a recipe in the Python
Cookbook for doing that using ctypes.
Gabriel Genellina
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