parsing csv files class
alex goretoy
aleksandr.goretoy at
Sat Dec 27 06:10:06 EST 2008
I know it's messy with all those self.soc.* functions, but it works in one
of my current project. I just want to make it more pythonic I also want to
add capability for makeing csv file if I give it input like:
1234,something nice, hey this is something nice
2468,something else, something else
On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 4:54 AM, alex goretoy
<aleksandr.goretoy at>wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have this class that I use in one of my projects. I know it's missing
> functionality and some things could have been done differently. Can you ehlp
> me make this class better? What can I do to make it more resistant to error?
> You can find the stdout_colours class on Google if you want it, JFGI I want
> to make it more pythonic. I come from a PHP background, can you tell?
> Any and all help is appreciated
> -Alex
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from ctypes import *
> import os, sys, types, csv, urllib, urllib2, urlparse,
> string,stdout_colours
> class parsercsvy(object):
> """Return a line from a csv file or total amount of lines"""
> def __init__(self,file_name=""):
> self.func_me_color="white_on_black"
> self.soc=stdout_colours.stdout_colors()
> self.soc.me_him(['ENTER:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> self.filename = file_name
> self.buffer = []
> self.bufferp= []
> if string.find(self.filename,"http") != -1:
> resp=urllib2.urlopen(self.filename)
> lfi=len(string.split(self.filename,"/"))
> filename = "/tmp/"+string.split(self.filename,"/")[lfi-1]
> f=open(filename,"w")
> f.write(file)
> f.close
> self.parse(self.filename)
> else:
> self.parse(self.filename)
> self.soc.me_him(['EXIT:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> def parse(self,filename,ret=0):
> self.soc.me_him(['ENTER:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> i = 0
> try:
> reader = csv.reader(file(filename, "rb"))
> try:
> for row in reader:
> self.buffer.append(row)
> s,a=[],{}
> for j in range(len(self.buffer[0])):
> a[self.buffer[0][j]]=row[j]
> self.bufferp.append(a)
> i+=1
> = i-1
> except csv.Error, e:
> sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename,
> reader.line_num, e))
> except IOError, e:
> sys.exit('file %s, IOError: %s' % (filename, e))
> self.soc.me_him(['EXIT:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> def index(self, index):
> """return line for index"""
> self.soc.me_him(['ENTER:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> self.soc.me_him(['RETURN:',self.buffer[int(index)],__name__],self.func_me_color)
> return self.buffer[int(index)]
> def total(self):
> """return total number of lines in csv file"""
> self.soc.me_him(['ENTER:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> self.soc.me_him(['RETURN:',,__name__],self.func_me_color)
> return
> def header(self):
> """return csv header == line 0"""
> self.soc.me_him(['ENTER:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> self.soc.me_him(['RETURN:',self.buffer[0],__name__],self.func_me_color)
> return self.buffer[0]
> def find_and_replace(self,li,fi,re):
> """
> find and replace a string inside a string, return list
> find_and_replace(list,find,replace)
> """
> this=[]
> for l in li:
> # found_index=string.find(l,fi)
> this.append(l.replace(fi,re))
> return this
> def return_buffer(self):
> self.soc.me_him(['ENTER:',__name__],self.func_me_color)
> self.soc.me_him(['RETURN:',self.buffer,__name__],self.func_me_color)
> return self.buffer
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> if len(sys.argv) < 1:
> print "Usage: %s file"% sys.argv[0]
> f=sys.argv[1]
> c=csv_parser(f)
> print c.bufferp
> --
> А-Б-В-Г-Д-Е-Ё-Ж-З-И-Й-К-Л-М-Н-О-П-Р-С-Т-У-Ф-Х-Ц-Ч-Ш-Щ-Ъ-Ы-Ь-Э-Ю-Я
> а-б-в-г-д-е-ё-ж-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-т-у-ф-х-ц-ч-ш-щ-ъ-ы-ь-э-ю-я
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