Iterating over objects of a class
google at
Wed Dec 24 13:04:16 EST 2008
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Kottiyath schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> How can I iterate over all the objects of a class?
>> I wrote the code like following:
>> class baseClass(object):
> Consider adopting PEP 8 coding conventions.
>> __registry = []
>> def __init__(self, name):
>> self.__registry.append(self)
>> = name
>> def __iter__(self):
>> baseClass.item = 0
>> return self.__registry[0]
>> def next(self):
>> if baseClass.item >= len(self.__registry):
>> raise StopIteration
>> baseClass.item += 1
>> return self.__registry[baseClass.item - 1]
>> For testing, create the following objects-
>> a = baseClass("Test1")
>> b = baseClass("Test2")
>> class subClass (baseClass):
>> pass
>> c = subClass("Test3")
>> ---->Actual Iteration<----
>> for i in a:
>> print
>> Test1
>> Test2
>> Test3
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> I see the following problems in the code:
>> 1. I have to iterate over any of the objects. For correctness, I
>> wanted to iterate over the class, like
>> for i in baseClass():
>> do x
>> but that will will create one more object - which I do not want.
>> 2. If the subclass wants to do somethings in its constructor, I am not
>> sure how to update the registry.
>> class subClass (baseClass):
>> def __init__(self, name):
>> **do something**
>> super.init(self, name) ----> This errors out, saying it needs
>> super, not subClass
> You don't show the actual traceback, however the idiom for invoking
> super for new-style-classes is
> super(subClass, self).__init__(name)
> for your case.
>> Another method I thought of implementing it was using generators -
>> where-in baseClass.objects() is a generator which will yield the
>> objects one by one - but even then the second issue remains.
>> If somebody can help me out, I would be very thankful.
> Using a generator or not isn't the issue here.
> What you need is a *class*-based access, not instance-based. There are
> various methods to accomplish this. The simplest is to ditch the
> obnoxious __registry as name, and just do
> class BaseClass(object):
> Then iterating is a simple matter of
> for instance in BaseClass.REGISTRY:
> ...
> Case solved. Alternatively, if you insist on the concept of privacy for
> that registry, you can use a classmethod:
> class BaseClass(object):
> @classmethod
> def registry(cls):
> for i in cls.__registry:
> yield i
> Last but not least you *could* go for a __metaclass__ with an
> __getitem__-method, that makes thinks look fancy because you then can do:
> for instance in BaseClass:
> ...
> I leave it as an exercise to you - gotta go christmas dining now :)
The other thing to remember is that because the 'registry' contains
references to the instances, they won't be garbage collected.
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