why cannot assign to function call
anthony.tolle at gmail.com
anthony.tolle at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 10:46:26 EST 2008
On Dec 29, 1:01 am, scsoce <scs... at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a function return a reference, and want to assign to the
> reference, simply like this:
> >>def f(a)
> return a
> b = 0
> * f( b ) = 1*
> but the last line will be refused as "can't assign to function call".
> In my thought , the assignment is very nature, but why the interpreter
> refused to do that ?
> thks
Probably the closest thing you are going to get in Python would be the
>>> class C:
... pass
>>> def f(a):
... return a
>>> b = C()
>>> b.value = 0
>>> b.value
>>> f(b).value = 1
>>> b.value
But as others have pointed out, Python is not C/C++, and shouldn't be
treated as such.
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