Win32 python: odd behavior when run via ssh

Grant Edwards grante at
Fri Feb 1 19:52:09 EST 2008

On 2008-02-02, Ross Ridge <rridge at> wrote:

>>When I ssh into a windows machine (running Cygwin sshd), I can
>>invoke python at the shell prompt (you have to use -i option
>>and I don't really understand why).
>>Once it's started there are couple rather odd behaviors:
>> 1) readline support doesn't work.
> My guess is either that Cygwin version of Python you invoked doesn't
> think that stdin/stdout is attached to a tty (ie. the pseudo-terminal
> that sshd should create), or you're using official Win32 "native" Python
> distribution Python and it doesn't think stdin/stdout is attached to
> a console.

The latter.  I guess I forgot to say I was running the normal
Win32 python.  

> If you're using the Cygwin version of Python than it's
> probably bug. If you're using the offficial Win32 port of
> Python than you probably want to use the Cygwin version
> because Win32 version doesn't support readline anyways.

That's odd, because readline seems to work fine in a Windows
console (recalling previous lines and line editing).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Do you guys know we
                                  at               just passed thru a BLACK
                                 HOLE in space?

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