n00b with urllib2: How to make it handle cookie automatically?
Rob Wolfe
rw at smsnet.pl
Fri Feb 22 13:42:40 EST 2008
est <electronixtar at gmail.com> writes:
> Hi all,
> I need urllib2 do perform series of HTTP requests with cookie from
> PREVIOUS request(like our browsers usually do ). Many people suggest I
> use some library(e.g. pycURL) instead but I guess it's good practise
> for a python beginner to DIY something rather than use existing tools.
> So my problem is how to expand the urllib2 class
> from cookielib import CookieJar
> class SmartRequest():
> cj=CookieJar()
> def __init__(self, strUrl, strContent=None):
> self.Request = urllib2.Request(strUrl, strContent)
> self.cj.add_cookie_header(self.Request)
> self.Response = urllib2.urlopen(Request)
> self.cj.extract_cookies(self.Response, self.Request)
> def url
> def read(self, intCount):
> return self.Response.read(intCount)
> def headers(self, strHeaderName):
> return self.Response.headers[strHeaderName]
> The code does not work because each time SmartRequest is initiated,
> object 'cj' is cleared. How to avoid that?
> The only stupid solution I figured out is use a global CookieJar
> object. Is there anyway that could handle all this INSIDE the class?
> I am totally new to OOP & python programming, so could anyone give me
> some suggestions? Thanks in advance
Google for urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.
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