bearophileHUGS at
bearophileHUGS at
Mon Feb 25 11:25:09 EST 2008
This is the first time I write something that looks like a little
rant :-) Surely I'll be wrong in many points, but I presume this isn't
going to damage people, so...
Here there are some functional Python solutions to some Euler
Some pieces of that code:
def takenth(n, iterable):
"Returns the nth item"
return list(islice(iterable, n, n+1))[0]
def euler1(end, nums):
isanymultiple = lambda x: any((x % y == 0) for y in nums)
return sum(filter(isanymultiple, xrange(end)))
euler1(1000, [3,5])
#Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the Fibonacci sequence
which do not exceed one million.
def fibonacci(n):
"""Return nth element of the fibonacci serie"""
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return n
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
def euler2(end):
genfib = imap(fibonacci, count())
candidates = takewhile(lambda n: n<end, genfib)
return sum(ifilter(lambda n: n%2, candidates))
def least_common_multiple(nums):
"""Return least common multiples of nums"""
factorized = dict((n, dict(factorize(n))) for n in nums)
union = lambda lst: reduce(set.union, map(set, lst))
all_factors = union(factorized.values())
getexponent = lambda factor: (factorized[n].get(factor, 0) for n
in nums)
return mul(factor**(max(getexponent(factor))) for factor in
What I think about such code:
- It's not much readable (but usually it can be read).
- it's not much Pythonic. Python is only partially functional, if you
try to use it in a very functional way you go against the language,
its coding practices, and the net result may be slow/little readable.
If you want to write almost fully functional code it's better to use a
fitter language, like Haskell.
- In some situations it seems to just show lack of knowledge of
- In various points it's not much efficient in speed and/or space.
- It's not even short, there are many ways to shorten that code, often
keeping or even increasing its readability; one of the most common
ways is to use generators and list comps more often.
- It lacks tests, like doctests.
- It has small pedagogical value too, because this is a bad way to
learn Python, and programming in general too.
- It has shown me when to use takewhile(), and some of the
mathematical insights it contains are interesting :-)
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